Amsterdam #1

Guys, we’ve got it easy in Amsterdam.

Public urinals are all over the place.  Yup, #1 is downright simple for men in the city.  At first, I looked at them and thought, is that a urinal? It can’t be, there are no doors. Later, while on a walking tour of Amsterdam, just beyond the tour guides head, I saw a guy walk right up to one and, sure enough, it was. Right there in the open. How freeing! While hiding everything from view, it allows a guy to do what he needs to do.

Now, it is quite possible these were only out there for the national holiday of King’s Day, or Koningsdag, the Netherland’s celebration marking the birth of King Willem-Alexander which is held on April 27th each year. Either way, I thought they were notable.

Amsterdam Urinal

Perhaps music festivals could put a few of these around their parks.  In the space that one portapotty takes, you can allow 4 men to pee at once. That ought to cut nearly half the population out of the restroom lines.

And how does this help the women in our lives?
If men are using these, they aren’t peeing on the seats of the toilets that you use. Additionally, it’s making room for more of the portapotties that you need.

As my family has always noted, travel always comes down to toilets, so I am sure this won’t be my last toilet post to the blog.

TexansTraveling - Amsterdam



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