Welcome to London

Welcome to London! So you've moved to London, now what???? Hopefully, you're phone is at the very least internationally unlocked. My advice, stop by the cell phone vending machine in the airport and grab a Pay As You Go (PAYG) Three (3) SIM card for around £20. Here's the deal, you don't know where you're going to live, what carrier works where you live, or what carrier wor...
The Past - Archives

San Francisco – Day 1

When John and I moved to London in 2015, we talked about the places that remained on our bucket list for the US. We both felt like we'd traveled to most places we wanted to see, but each had a few that remained. I hadn't yet been to Chicago or San Francisco, and he wanted to see Boston and Philadelphia. We made Philly happen before we left, thanks to some work perks of mine, bu...
The Past - Archives

Languages of the World!

This great dataviz shows us how many languages there are in the world and where they're spoken. Wow! This feels like it would have taken a long time to collect, collate, and visualise! Great job Alberto!     Original post with a hi-res from Alberto Lucas Lopez here: http://www.lucasinfografia.com/Mother-tongues.
The Past - Archives

A Virtual Walk through London

A friend of mine created this interactive walk through of London, and I thought it'd be great to share with you all here for a virtual tour of my fair city! Click the link and explore - try clicking on the dots under the time slots, and plan your next trip. Reach out to us if you'd like ideas or suggestions on where to walk and where to visit if you've got a little free time...
The Past - Archives

When in Istanbul?

Today was the last day of our two week “sampler” holiday of Europe, and we ended in Istanbul, Turkey, on the European side. We started the day very early, meeting our friends for our last breakfast at the amazing Hotel Anthemis before trotting out for what we expected to be our last “experience” of the trip – indulging in a Turkish Bath. We’ve been collecting “experiences” a...
The Past - Archives

Welcome to Texans Traveling!

Two Texans traveling the world together, sharing our stories and photos with you. Currently in London through July 2016, launching pad for easy trips to Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Follow along in our journey as we share with you highs and lows, best of, things to do, and things not to do while traveling around the world. From Austin, Texas - traveling to...the world...
The Past - Archives

Copenhagen or bust!

Copenhagen - Nyhavn
Copenhagen was an amazing city. Cheap to get to from London, and with a little smarts and know-how, the city can be incredibly enjoyable on the cheap. Here are my main thoughts about this amazing city in an exciting country as I reflect on our three day adventure to the country's capital: The city is rich with incredible history. Did you know that the Prince & Princess ...
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