Let’s get this blog party started!

Hello, and welcome to our new travel blog!

Hello! We’re John and Natasha, a couple from Austin, Texas who’ve made our new home in London, England at the start of 2015. We’ve traveled a lot all around the US, Caribbean, and Central America, but thanks to our new locale, we’re expanding our horizons and looking to Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Our intent is to travel our hearts out while here, taking loads of photos along the way, so we’d love to share what we do with you. We hope that you’ll learn something by reading our adventures, but above that, we hope to inspire you to set out on your own journeys, big or small, around the world to live your life to the fullest and see the beauties that are around you no matter where you go.

This blog has been a long time coming, but as we’re on holiday, we’ve finally taken the time to build our new travel blog and secure the needed domain and social media sites to make this all one big, cohesive sharing machine!

We’re so excited to start sharing with you…just as soon as we get a little sleep.


John & Natasha


Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, FB & Pinterest @texanstraveling.

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